Pastor George Rigos
Hi I am Pastor George Rigos, Bishop Butler’s European Director and the Pastor here in Athens, Greece at Kentro, Pistis. I welcome you to day 8 of our 30 days of prayer. Today we are praying for the unsaved and for opportunities to share the goodness of God with them. I’m excited for this because I really believe this is going to make a difference. Our lives are about reaching those that are lost, reaching those that don’t know God, letting them know about how good God is. Can you think of anything better to do with your life, your day, your time? I can’t.
So let’s dive into the Word. First Timothy chapter 2, verse 3 and 4, “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” I love this verse because it takes out any questions that anyone may have if God wants someone saved. Even that person that is completely just off the charts - they look like they will never come to God - God loves them and God wants them saved. You know, your family members - you know some of them that you just think are impossible cases - God wants them saved. So it is God’s will for them to be saved. We never have to ask - we never have to wonder, “Does God want that person saved?” He does. So knowing that, let us go forth boldly and share the goodness of God.
Let us go and let them know that God loves them - that God has a plan for their lives - that Jesus came and there is hope because Jesus is the hope for this world. So I want to encourage you today - let’s not just pray about it, but let us be the best that God can use - let us be the people that God can use to go out and actually do it. Don’t look for somebody else to do it. You do it. You be the person that lets others know how good God is - that God loves them and there is hope. Hallelujah.