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DAY 4 | Pray For Your Nation’s Government



Hello. My name is Minister Jason Mitchell and I want to welcome you today as we continue our 30 days of prayer. Today we are going to pray for our nations. Now, the Bible is clear on this. The Word of God is actually very explicit. He tells us in1 Timothy 2:1-4, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”So I know in today’s world your political leaders, those who are in charge in your nation, may not be your favorite people. However, we see from the Word of God that He is clear that praying for them is good. It is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. So today we want to make sure we pray for them. We want to make sure that we lift them up in prayer.

Specifically, we want to pray for their salvation. Ask our Father God, who is the Lord of the harvest, to send forth laborers into His harvest that they may be saved. Send someone to them that they will hear and receive from, someone that they will be able to accept the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If they knowGod already, then we want them to repent and renew that right relationship with Him. We also want to pray that no evil, no harm, befalls them as they exercise their duties in leadership. We further want to pray for them that they be surrounded by godly men and women—that God give favor for Christians to be on their staffs, to be those who will speak into their lives, so that these men and women will bring the Kingdom of God into the very halls of leadership, whether it is Downing Street or the White House or wherever your particular leader may be. We want Christians, the Kingdom of God—His way of doing and being right—into those halls, into those very rooms where our leaders are. We want to pray for those in legislative capacities, whether it is Congress or a Parliament. We lift them up to God and ask that He grant them His wisdom, salvation—that they may exercise their duties that are in line with the Word and will of God for us as a people.

We are going to lay aside all feelings that we have that are negative and we are going to pray. Now, let’s pray.


3 commentaires

05 janv. 2023

I pray Pr. 21:1, the heart of a king is in the Lord's hands, as the rivers of water, He turns it the way he so chooses...

I pray for Holy Ghost filled consultants of all leaders strategically placed, so that they can greatly influence that leader to fulfill the will of the Lord.


Clifford Lee Jackson
Clifford Lee Jackson
05 janv. 2023

Good morning Heavenly Father and if it's your will for our prayers. For all governments of all nations. Before they are sworn in and touch the Bible, they must ask God for forgiveness and Repent for the wrongdoing that got them to this stage of their life—also, pray that every person assigned to them is a born-again Christian. And has to ask you for forgiveness and Repent. For whatever they had in mind to do. Holy Spirit control. There thought of evil and wrongdoing to your people. Every government leader comes before you, God, for Jesus' name Amen 🙏 .


Martell Fletcher
Martell Fletcher
05 janv. 2023

Praise God.

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