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DAY 14 | Pray for Those Involved in False Religions and the Occult



Hello. Welcome to day 14 of 30 days of prayer. You are doing an amazing job. Don’t stop now. Keep pressing in. Your prayers are making a difference, not just in your life, not just in your family’s life, not just in your church’s life, but so many ripple effects are coming because of your prayer life. Your prayer life matters. Today we are going to talk about praying for those who are involved in false religions and the occult. When we are praying for those in false religions and the occult, it is important to know they are not our enemy. We are not at war with them. Remember, the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6 that we are not at war with flesh and blood. We do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places, and all Satan’s demonic rank-and-file. So when we are praying for those involved in false religions and the occult, we shouldn’t be angry at them. We should not be mad at them. What should we do? We should pray with the love of God in our heart because we know how much Jesus loves them. So here is one way that we can start praying. We pray theEphesians 1prayer:“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;[flooded with light].”So we pray for their spiritual perceptions to be open, their ears to be open, their hearts to be perceptive, their eyes to be opened. Then we also do what Jesus told us to do in the Gospels. We pray thatGod will send the right laborer across their path because He is the Lord of their harvest. We are praying that He keeps sending laborers across their path. You know there is a laborer that came across your path that brought you into the kingdom of God. And we want to pray that the right person comes across their path to minister the right words in the way they can receive it so they can have an opportunity to makeJesus the Lord of their life.

Also when praying for them, especially if you know them, we take our place in authority and we command the spirit of darkness, and the enemy that is behind it that is covering their eyes - to loose them and let them go. So when we are praying for people who are involved in false religions and the occult, we pray with the love of God—God’s heart towards them. We pray thatEphesians 1prayer for them. We use our authority and command the darkness to be removed and we pray that God sends the right person across their path. When we pray this way, we are giving people opportunities to make Jesus the Lord of their life. And guess what? When you pray this way, God will also give you an opportunity to witness and minister to others along these lines. So keep your heart open as you go through these 30 days of prayer.God is going to bring someone across your path for you to minister to as well. And guess what happens when you do that? You become an answer to prayer.


2 commentaires

Clifford Lee Jackson
Clifford Lee Jackson
15 janv. 2023

Good afternoon Heavenly Father. As I pray, if it's your will, those involved in false religion and cults. May the love of Jesus Christ over Shadow the way they believe 🙏. In Jesus name Amen 🙏.


Martell Fletcher
Martell Fletcher
15 janv. 2023

Praise God

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