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DAY 12 | Pray For Our Youth and Children

Pastor Joel Jenkins


Hello and welcome to Day 12. Today we are praying for our youth and the children. You know, I am reminded of a time when I was younger. We used to have tornado drills. Now, the youth of today practice what is called active shooter drills. The youth today have so much more that they are dealing with that we did not have to deal with when I was younger. So I think it is so important for us to pray for our youth that, one, they know they are loved. The Bible talks about perfect love casts out fear. So I believe that if we pray that they know they are loved, they don’t need to be fearful of what the day may bring. I also believe that for our youth we need to pray that they know who they are and what they are called to be. In Jeremiah chapter 29, it talks about that God knows the thoughts – He knows the plans that He has for us and a great expected end. I think it is so important for us to pray for our youth that they know who they are and that they know what they are called to do. So today, as you get ready to pray, make sure that you are praying that our youth know that they are loved, that they know what they are called to do, and that they know who they are, so that they can be everything that God called them to be.

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